In tough, competitive times, business coaches/consultants help business leaders thrive in the midst of fast-changing technologies and increasing globalization. An excellent business coach knows the business arena thoroughly, is well-versed in what works in business through both theory and practice, and knows how to guide the client through proven business methodologies to face the difficult business issues and find the solutions. The answers come from the client with the coach as the beacon on the journey.
Those who have been coached before cite many reasons for hiring a business coach, including focusing on what is important and bringing out hidden talents. However, the over-riding purpose of the business coach is improving business results. Clients, however, need to be willing to do the work and to hang in there when the going gets tough.
Business consultants can be a valuable asset to your business. But before hiring a business coach, executive coach, or taking executive management training, it’s time to do a self-assessment to see if you are ready to open up to business coaching principles.
One aspect of business coaching that is difficult to grasp is communication. Although you think you’re prepared to deal with your weaknesses and improve upon them, you haven’t yet completely realized the fact that you can’t do everything on your own. A business coach or executive coach can ease your concerns and help you understand that admitting you need professional advice is not a sign of weakness, but rather shows smart business thinking. In fact, all types of businesses, from home based to large companies, are turning to business consultants to improve their communication skills and enhance profitability.
The key point to business coaching is finding out whether or not you’re prepared. Before contacting a business coach or executive coach, here are some basic questions to consider: Are you ready to be helped? Are you prepared to accept what a business coach or executive coach says, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear? Are you ready to grow to the next level and take executive management training?
Business coaching explores the subtle details of your communication strategies and the way in which you presently conduct business. Here are some other self-assessment questions to consider: Are you adaptable to change? Are you open to trying new things?
Often times, business consultants will create a plan that might require putting additional resources into your business. Are you prepared financially to add more employees, purchase new equipment, or designate money towards marketing or advertising?
One benefit to executive management training is that it encourages you to think out of the box and to tap your creative side. Consider these questions: Are you ready to refocus your time and efforts? Are you willing to foster open communication throughout the entire business organization?
When hiring business consultants, you work with them on various areas, such as new concepts, executive management training and communication skills. Are you prepared to invest the time into these sessions? Are you willing and able to do extra work assigned? Will you be accessible for your coaching?
In doing a self-assessment, consider your communication skills. Do you recognize the importance of communication in everyday business dealings? Are you ready to learn new ways of communication that will better position your company for success? Are you prepared to learn new communication skills?
Studies show that the cost for business consultants pays for itself tenfold in return on investment. But are you ready to pay for a business coach or executive coach? Are you ready to budget for executive management training for you and your management team? Are you open to paying for communication skills workshops for your employees?
- “I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.”
-John Russell, Managing Director, Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd.
- “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their full potential.”
-Bob Nardelli, CEO, Home Depot.
- “I learn teaching from teachers. I learn golf from golfers. I learn winning from coaches.”
-Harvey Penick
The above quotes offer some insight into the power of business coaching. If you are facing significant business challenges, it is likely time for you to seek the guidance of a business coach.